I really don't know how to explain what this to my foreign friends, it's tiny round ball like and cover with icing sugar to taste. I called it golf-ball cookies, it is locally known as kuih makmor, and some country I believe called it Ghee-ball. When I was working in west Malaysia, I couldn't find any of these type of cookies anywhere. Not sure why, maybe they don't have commercial value, however it is widely found in Sabah, my home town. Even then, every family came out with different recipe. I use margerine for the ingredient and sometimes if I want to spurge on good ingredients, I'll use ghee, which is awfully pricey. The ingredients is vastly flexible, so it's no right and wrong to these, its all in the mixing and type of ingredients you use.
so here goes:
Ingredients100g ghee
100g butter
300g flour
50g brown sugar
Peanut(fried without oil,skinned and crush it into fine grain)
Icing sugar (for decor)
MethodMelt ghee with butter in wok in medium heat. Once both ingredient melted put aside to cool.
In a mixer bowl, mixed brown sugar with the cooled ghee & butter. Then add flour and mix all ingredient together. Put aside while we do the fillings.
We just mix the crushed peanut & icing sugar together and make sure you add icing sugar to your taste. (some prefer sweet, some not too sweet, it's really up to you!)
Then tear a small bit of mixed doh from the mixer bowl, fill in the peanut&sugar in the middle and shape them into mini round balls. Then arrange it in the baking pan. Make sure the size is twice smaller the intended size and put a decent distance between each biscuit.
Preheat the oven for 200 degree Celsius and baked the biscuit for 15minutes. Once cooked. Keep the cookies to cool in room temperature before you coat them in icing sugar.
Nyummy.. I think I'm going to make some of these cookies this Christmas!