Hustle & bustle of everyday pressure would lead to stress and if these issues are not properly taken care of, you might face serious health risk. That's why we can see fitness franchise is highly in demand nowadays, people are more aware that there're so many illness that could prevent them from enjoying quality life, what better way than to prevent it from happening, the saying "to prevent is better than to cure" come home to us. We heard that so many times and yet we priorities different aspect in life. After we bought a house (which is a neccessity now), we will need to look into homeloan (if we already have that, we will now considering refinance home loan to get a better offer in refinancing), also we will need cheap car insurance, credit cards reduction plan or credit card consolidation, term life insurance and many more, we invested so much on these things, yet the more you seems to earn, the more you seems to spend on acquiring asset that require you to spend even more, for instance, if you buy a car, you will need to consider a cheap car insurance. If you bought a house, you will consider to have home renovation which require home improvement loans and maybe home insurance. Can you see the pattern? The more you work, the more you probably earn, and the more you need to spend and the deeper you sink into debts. For me, I have learn my lesson the hard way, I used to worry over handphone bills, when Malaysian first been introduced to handphone, I also wanted to look hip and cool, so I register for a handphone line, I didn't even bat an eyelash when they said, the access fee is RM90 per month (that was 10 years back), so expensive and imagine if you times 12, warggg!! A lot hah? Needless to say I spend most on my credit cards debts consist of handphone bills. Now that's history but the issues still the same, to keep up with our lifestyle, we always focus on money issues, but what

about our health? How do you handle your stress level? For me, I either go on my orbitrek and start paddling away, then I would sit in from of my telly and maybe have some chocolate (not too much) and it even better if you share, I feel less guilty if I share my food, hehehe. Do you think eating would relieve stress? Not really although some food like chocolate contents
phenylethylamine could help to boost people's happy mood. I would say do things in moderation and always prioritise family & health over everything else, just remember if anything happens to you, how would your family cope? So why not pick a family day and go for a nice dinner with family or friends and then order a delicious mouth-watering desserts afterward like the oreo cheese cake we ordered from friend that cost only RM44 per kg (remember sharing is the best part!!). My comfort food are actually snacks (cheesy snacks) but I love cakes, pudding (the top left pics is pudding I ordered at Bella Italia, Kuching), and Venetta Ice Cream Cake from supermarket when I am craving for something sweet, mind you I have sweet tooth and proud of it!!
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