I believe it isn't too late to wish my Muslim friends Selamat Hari Raya and thank you for welcoming me to your home during this festive seasons. Raya Main dishes consist of Lamban(Rice cooked in leaves) with Peanut Sauce, Lemang (Rice cook in Bamboo) with Chicken Curry, beef curry, rendang Chicken and Acar (local vegetable dish consist of cucumber,pineapple and shallot shredded or sliced thinly, then add vineger, sugar and salt to taste)
Assorted kuih raya (Raya Biscuit/cookies) are a must during Raya. My favourites are Kuih Makmor (round cookies cover with icing sugar) and Pineapple Tart. Since all are free, price is not stated here. I just love free food. Somehow the food would taste even better.
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